Monday, March 03, 2008

Scilla Chocolates

It once again has been so long since my last blogging that to tell you of all of my outings, and thoughts over the last months would render you completely unconscious by blatant boredom.

I will however let you in on my finest and most luxuriant find, Scilla Chocolates. If you do not know the name do not panic but get ye to Ohope or get online and purchase. As you all know I have a bit of a choccie problem and reached the point about one year ago that no chocolate on the market in NZ could meet my ever increasing rich taste so I made my own. With great success.

These Chocolates fill MY void, now they are not the sort of chocolates you share and all of you Cadbury quaffing whimseys out there beware. These opulent delights are the sort you spend time alone with, the sinfully rich fillings, laced with liqueurs that rush out and bite your ear lobe.

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