Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Life was never meant to be easy

Although I have been a Mum for three years now those big black and yellow L plates are firmly taped to my arse.

We are currently struggling with toilet training and when I said 'we' I should have said 'me' as Ella really and truly is quite comfortable with the current situation. We have gone from being fully trained and suddenly rocketing backwards by the simple words of "Mummy I will not be going to the toilet anymore!" so she did'nt and even went to the extent of refusing to drink so she would not need to go. Finally we got over that one with weeks of mini M&Ms as bribery and offering watered down juices instead of water.

Still two months down that track she completely refuses to poo on the toilet and would wait for the comfort of her night nappies before soiling herself and wallowing in her gagging stench. Night after night and really for me I was pretty cool about it as I completely supressed my natural reaction to rant and rave.............................deep breaths through gritted teeth................. and say next time honey will you do Poos in the toilet? She replys, "yes Mummy and it will make you soooooooooo happy" and for that moment I am completely suckered and actually believe her.

I have friggin stickers and star charts, goals and bribery from here to Africa and still no Mr hanky in the toilet. Seven days ago I had enough and decided to not buy another nappy, including for nightime. I really did doubt my motives as it did feel like I was the one throwing a wobbly and I was taking away the nappies as punishment. The weird thing is that it is working as Ella never had a dry nappy in the morning but now has not even wet the bed.

Sadly still no poos, we did have a small accident at night and I made her scrub her knickers the next day, she loved it! DAMMIT.

It is a standoff, I will not give her a nappy, she will not give me poos, the will is strong, I am currently lacing her food with loads of fibre and still no huge cigar. I fear she may soon burst as what goes in must come out........................................just a thin wafer sir...................................

1 comment:

Jules said...

Same, same, same.... what do we do! Molly is more then happy to wee, anywhere, in fact even better if there is only a storm drain on offer, but poos are to be done in nappies or not at all... grrrr. But I think it's completely normal, she says hopefully!!