Monday, October 24, 2005


I cannot believe it I have just spent the last hour on recounting my long weekend of events. It was some of the most interesting, well written, Pulitzer prize winning stuff you will ever read, did I mention funny, well it was pee your pants funny.

OK no, it may have not been anything similar to the above, but yes I did spend much time on my blog and somehow fecked it all up prior to publishing. Lost the lot. Not best pleased at this moment in time as the house is a mess, CH is due home, my sugar level is low, my child is stirring and by now I should have been basking in my own glory.

I feel like I should just list the events of the weekend as honestly all witty recanting is off the menu. You may like to turn eyelids inside out for this one or at the very least read another blog as this one will be just plain boring.

As I mentioned earlier this weekend was to be spent with family, yes my friday night was destined to be one full of continuous repetitive stories, stale ciggarette smoke and rugby league. There is only so many nods and giggles in the right places you can give when your eyes and glazed and your will to live is on the wane. But to my rescue came a girlfirend firmly clutching tickets to the theatre. A play I had actually wanted to see. So it was a big Tarrah to family, baby and responsibilty. Oh such reckless behaviour, I even cast aside my spinakker of a maternity bra in favour of a normal one!

The play was called GOAT, I had been looking forward to seeing this for some time. It was unusual to say the least, I am not sure if it was the topics discussed or accents painfully coming and going that made me uncomfortable but I was strangely quiet afterwards. This harrowed feeling was felt by all but did not prompt discussion, but rather left to your own quite contemplation. Odd. The play delt with issues including beastiality, homosexuality,treachery infidelity, incest, pedophilia, with much smashing of pottery and ripping of canvas.

I think that was the problem, you can joke about all the above being just like a normal family but I think there is a element of truth and more people in that theatre could relate to the topics than they would like to admit. I am glad I went as some of it appealed to my deviant sense of humour but in all honesty I would not go back for a encore.

Oh how I love the whole Theatre experience, we were right in the front row, the set was very intimate and well thought out. Afterward the late night coffee, a slice of Banoffi pie and a non stop talking of cabbages and kings.

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