Saturday, September 30, 2006

Six days of child free days!

You are never going to believe it but with all the anxiety I have over allowing Nana to steal my child away, I awoke this morning absolutely dead chuffed and my head bursting with plans and schemes to fill my week. Yes, blaaaa blaaa I do realise that perhaps I should be resting BUT it would be worse if I thought I was wasting what little free time I have.

I also had another thought this morning and I realised that CH is perhaps not so firmly strapped into the old gravy train. Sure his clothes magically appear washed, house cleaned, lovely meals, you know all the domestic stuff and generally he pays for services rendered in the form of me throwing looks of contempt and an almost always tired wife and friend.

It is upon that level he perhaps gained the mother of his child but the friend and lover almost beyond reach. This morning as I was alive with ideas and not clouded by morning grumpyness. I got up and made a most wonderful fresh fruit salad, yoghurt, juice and set up breakfast on the patio, lovely sunshine and music, bliss and quality. By this time I had also made him a lovely lunch as he is working all day. I guess it is just slowing down the pace and just enjoying what is.

I hope you all feel as inspired as I do this morning as it really is a most wonderful feeling.

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