Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Cravings unleashed

As I already am a mass 4kgs larger than when I last carried a child, my ambition this time around is NOT to crack the 100kg mark. Unfortunately although I feel like bringing up my inners on an hourly basis, being a dedicated foodie I seem to manage to get ahold of exactly what I feel like. Little and often seems to be the key.

Currently my main squeeze is hot salty chips, stewed tomatoes followed by generous portions of caramellow chocolate. Both the tomatoes and caramellow have never been a favourite.

My climb the wall hate list is CHICKEN, disgusting horrible steriodial beasts that lie sweating in plastic film on meat sanitary pads in supermarkets everywhere. Perhaps I could try an organic farm killed bird and see if the taste and texture is better than the current cheap supermarket chick that just makes my stomach turn. It just feels wrong, like eating the pig that ate your family kind of wrong.

The weather here today is wonderful with blue skies, white fluffy clouds and brilliant sunshine I intend to go gardening and have a last hurrah with the outdoors before the trappings of autumn finally snuff out summer.

1 comment:

Martha Craig said...

I found the best way to not crack the tonne (as friends so graciously called it), is to not weigh yourself at all.

My midwife was very good at this. She said she could see that I wasn't wasting away and it was completely unnecessary.

So I'll never know for sure if I made the hunnert, but I'm quite pleased about that.