Monday, February 27, 2006

Off to Nelson

Its that time again I should be packing and sorting much out as we are leaving for Nelson on Wednesday night. I have much to do and I have decided to preserve things, messy, time consuming and did not need to be done. I am purely insane, why do I put such pressure on myself. Not to mention we are having a Birthday party for Ella and I should be making Eclairs and cakes and such like. I do this often and make things hard upon myself it is a disese, yesterday prime example I was mowing the lawns and the washing was dry so I should have removed it off the line to make mowing much easier, instead I decided it would be much more of a challenge if the washing was still there. Perhaps I need to work again.

1 comment:

Domestic Goddess said...

Thanks, I have not heard of 'shameless' but to be honest I need no more programme dependence