Wednesday, February 08, 2006

House detention

I am contemplating commiting some sort of devilish crime to get myself on home detention. Currently I will most likely blame the high pitched whine coming from our three year old fridge as being the thing to put me completely over the edge. Seriously this screech is fast becoming a consant reminder of how little things can really crawl up my arse and explode.....

Anyhoo my reasons behind the home detention idea, is I find it physically impossible to go out and not spend money. Today I went out for ribbon, mushrooms and pastry. I ended up with Burger King, four types of ribbon, cellotape, hooks and eyes, a childrens book, three types of elastic, cotton and $30 worth of groceries. Yep a quick hundy is not a problem for this no income housewife. I was asked to watch the finances this week in preperation for our Welli trip. I am going to get bullocked. Best I cook a nice dinner and put on a bit of lippy and get ready for a good snogging. Things I have to do.

Can you hear that figgin fridge? It is like nails on a blackboard laughing at me. This is a sit in. Me verses the fridge. Just how long can I put up with the Ininite screech before I call a money sucking fridge fixer fellow. Feck. Three years old. Wankers. On this occaision we did not take advantage of the 'No Worries' five year guarantee. Bugger.


Martha Craig said...

I never take the warranty thingies, they offer them to make money. Probably the repair job won't even cost as much as the warrantee would've...

And I have no idea whether it is a warantee or warranty or warrantee or warrantie. Well, I could probably just go back and look at your post and see, but then I'd lose all my comment, and it would take me forever to write all this shit again. In fact, I wouldn't have to as I'd know how to spell it then.


Oh, and the money thing. You only live once. I just bought 3 bras and a pair of undies because they had 30% off. My mission was one bra for jogging. Oh well.

Domestic Goddess said...

Thanks Martha a gals gotta look pretty or more to the point a Mummy has to have something to keep her boobies from saying hi to her belly button!