Wednesday, November 30, 2005

So much to do and so little time

It has been an awfully long time since my last blogging and in all honesty I am so tired to even think of anything I have done let alone write about it.

However being the excitable person I am and do you know what day tomorrow is? Christmas tree day!!!!!! Currently CH is out again at a so called 'Managers meeting' code for drink lots and come home stinking and slobbering and eventually snoring his way to a happy sleep on the couch. This poses a problem as my Christmas decorations are currently in our roof space guarded with hundreds of spiders as big as my head. I will not be getting them.

I have written a note and stuck it on the toilet wall wishing CH a most enjoyable good night piss and of course enquiring of his night out and casually mentioning how excited I was to be putting the tree up and would he be kind enough to get the decorations down for moi. I of course may have to use my womanly charm to seal the deal. In this case my womanly charm will be polietly saying could he remove his hand from my breast rather than saying 'feck off your stinky c#nt! no chance tonight'

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