Saturday, September 20, 2008

I know you will find this near on impossible to believe BUT out of the last seven days I have exercised for four of them! Yes and next the seas will be boiling and plagues of locusts will strip your crops!

I must admit my motivation for getting out of the house as I realised something quite important last week. I have very limited patients for sick people, even those I love more than life itself. Quite an epiphany really as this is coming from someone who really thought Nursing would be a great career choice.

It has been a hell of a couple of weeks with poor Ella getting a bilateral Tonsillectomy/adnoid/grommets and the poor lil bugger is still in pain but constantly jacked up on Strawberry pamol. I think she has a problem and we are going to have to go cold turkey on the sweetened syrup. Mind you if you listen to the lastest media releases she should perhaps not have it anyway. Both my children have had pamol since their first immunisation as directed by the doctor and both have Asthma.

The scary part is that her attitude is so very bad I came within a hares breath of headbutting her when she was throwing a Oscar winning giant tantrum in my arms! Scary stuff! Next I will be cutting off CH’s Bullocks for leaving the toilet seat up!

But as horribly tough this past fortnight has been it has been really amazing to watch my little girls world open up and see her face light up when she hears something she has never heard before like an air plane flying over head or gravel hitting under the car on a road, weird things that we all take for granted but are just magic for her.

So begins another week, once again we will have an extra guest in our home to take care of, I need to study and for the love of god I need to learn to back the Ambo using only mirrors I JUST CANNOT SEEM TO DO IT WITHOUT TURNING AROUND! I also need to see the latest Vincent Ward flick but it is only here for one week and who can I con to go with me. I will also endeavour to exercise some more and eat more vegetables, contemplate more on my latest idea of shaving my head and come up with new and interesting ways to squeeze more time into my day.

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