Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I can say almost with certainty that next week I shall battle the bulge. After almost a year of gluttony it is time to take control, not just little weighty issues but all aspects. I am most pleased with myself as I finally booked a mole map after three years of thinking about it, I also booked a smear test with six years of thinking about it, I finally booked a doctors appointment for other wheels that have fallen off recently and to top it all off I just booked a hair appointment to get all my hair cut off as it is currently tragic. But right now I have a few things to take care of before I can start to eat healthy, like the batch of muffins I made yesterday, they have to go. I shall keep you updated. CH has a few days off coming up so I guess I will not have time to write, fingers crossed for the next installment to be one made up of happy stories of exercise and eating lettuce!

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