Sunday, May 28, 2006

Naming your child

I love family tradition and wish that there was some decent names or at the very least people whom I admire in my family. Unfortunately most of the women were incredibly grumpy old crones with names like Lottie and Edna. I think I am so caught up in the tradition aspect as I myself have no links to my past at all, I have my adopted family and that is it. I want my children to see a clear path of whence they came to start a new strong lineage. I wish I had more to tell them of their ancestors as I would know everything given the choice. In complete contrast CH could know everything about his heritage but has no interest, what I would do for that!

I had quite a long list of names for our last child and CH could only agree on one. Hence we ended up with a common as muck name but I managed to sneak something with a little more interest in for a middle name, Ella Raine. CH wanted Carmen!!!! there is no way I am naming my child after a transvestite crack hore.

Anyhoo this time around I am revisiting names from my old list and discover I still like them, one that I really liked last time as I was convinced I was having a boy was Noah. This time I feel like I am having another girl, do you think Noah can be a girls name? I think it is so lovely for girl as it sounds earthy and patient. I thought about dropping the H and making Noa. I know this word is used often spoken in Maori but I cannot nail down exactly its meaning as I have found about 75 uses for the word but none of them really clear for me. Does anyone know?

I also found out that Noa is commonly Noah in Hebrew mis-spelt and supposedly come from a word similar to 'movement' I must ask my friend Cathie if this is so as you know that heaps of crap is online. If movement is correct then is very apt as this bubba is a non stop groover.

Other potential names include Jorja Mae, Neave for a girl. Kirwin, Nathaniel or Jeremiah for a boy. I also have another dilemma, my sister lost a child Mary to cot death when I 12. We were very close and till this day I can barely speak of her without crying for the loss not just of Mary but more for my sisters pain. Although Mary is not on the top of my must have names but I feel if I was strong enough I would give this as a middle name out of respect, or would that be to painful my sister? I also wonder about the bad omen side of things. As it is still very much a raw open wound for my family asking if it would be ok would be very hard and knowing my sister even if she hated the thought of it would never say.

What to do.


Martha Craig said...

I love Lottie!

I can't imagine how your sister would feel, it would be a tough one. I suspect she would be rapt. My mother's middle name is from a dead aunty, and I think it is lovely.

Your dilemmas are one of the reasons we found out the gender. We could only get our heads around one set of names.

Everyone I know is pregnant now, I'm so damn clucky.

Domestic Goddess said...

Thanks Martha, yeah I like Lottie too but she was so very horrible.

As for everyone around you being pregnant, you should be at the top of your game, the only one in a group who can string together an intelligent conversation, the only one with a waist and you can easily reach your bikini line the only one who can watch twenty year Oprah special without eyes leaking and still be witty and entertaining without any mention of your girlie bits!

desert flower said...

I love Lottie also !! Such a pretty name. I also don't know how your sister would feel, its a difficult one. Ok, Noa is actually a biblical woman and its literal meaning is " to tremble". I love this name for a girl, in hebrew the boys equivilant ( what we would say Noah) is actually said with a "k" sound at the end " Noak".

We are having the same baby name problems, we want a hebrew name but something that also sounds good in English. For a girl the names that I currently really like are Nava ,Noa, Shir or Shira, Sivan, Tali....... Gali which means small wave and I really like Maya. Do any sound funny in English ?

Jules said...

Oh goodness I remember this bit... nope, no good asking us for advice, Molly was 'gorgeous girl' for two days while we ummed and ahhed, but whatever you choose will be perfect and within days he/she will look just like their name.

I love Lottie too, and you could change the horrible connotations. I've met several Sarah's whom I love, and I always said I'd never name my baby Sarah (bad childhood memories) but now I'm not so sure...

Desert flower, love them all (expecially Maya, that was on our list too!), need to see pics of your belly!!