Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Turbo powers are GO!!

Yes ladies, I did threaten it. I had been flirting with infomercials for some time now and had fully convinced myself that the number one phenomenon in exercise was for me. TURBO JAM! and bugger me but it is not all that bad.

Thus far I have exercised five days in the past six. Truly unheard of in my world. The real eye opener is that I did know I was unfit but I will still holding on to a glimmer of hope that it would not be all that bad. It was so much worse.

Day one, I watched the learner sequence that showed you how to do the eleven moves used in the workout. I could not make it past the learning for not only is my coordination shot but I was a sweating gibbering mess by the end of the learning section.

Day Two, Success I completed the first fifteen minutes learning and graduated on to a fifteen minute workout.

It has continued and now I can do most of the moves and put them together in a almost exercise like manner. I am encouraged with how quickly things get easier, So all in all coming together nicely my next hurdle is how to gag whingeing children.

Not changing my diet yet and focusing on getting mobile.

A good friend said to me recently something along the lines of "If you change nothing in your life then how can your life change" Well said and point taken.

Also wanting to do a Triathalon, well baby steps huh!

1 comment:

Jules said...

Good for you! Triathlon eh? the very thought of it makes me feel a bit wobbly.

I know what you mean about playgroup bullys, and I always thought we'd leave that to the kids!!!