Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I am such an over anxious dork. I cannot help it as the protective she wolf in me was heightened this week. There is this chap who works for the same company as CH and the long story short the fellow has some issues that have included crying for hours down the end of the phone or in person to CH about the stress of work, he needed help, we all have encouraged and been there for him for months. He had a bad time a month or two and spoke of how he wanted to end his life. From that point I felt like he was unpredictable and no longer comfortable alone with him. His work put him on stress leave and took him to someone to talk to and tried to make things better but alas his work ethics got so much worse and they have let him go. Before they did this they got his councillors opinion on what his stability was like and how he would handle such an event.

Well luckily CH was not involved in the decision or implementation but as you can imagine it did not go well and now he has threatened the life of not only himself but my husband and a few others.

As soon as I heard this was happening I was worried and now that this chap has threatening behaviour I am even more worried. So tonight I even double checked the locks. How silly is that? The worst part is of how quickly all these bad thoughts came into my head and the thought process behind what I would do if I had nothing to loose a score to settle. Geez sometimes I scare myself and thank god I am not a psycho serial killer as I would never get caught! But that got me to thinking at what point in our life is the decision made to be good or evil?

Of course we have all done some unspeakable things, be them minor or major and mostly all learning curves and that does not mean we are bad. When is all lost?

That case this week in Australia about the grandfather murdering his wife and grandchildren with an axe, was disturbing. Wrong on so many levels. The man must have been fundamentally broken, put together wrong. How? I cannot comprehend.

In some ways I am also relieved that this case had an effect. So often these days we are flooded with a smorgasbord of rape, murder, famine and disaster we yawn and continue with our day. So desensitised. I am so bad that I am watching a TV programme (DEXTER) and on the show the character is a serial killer and the is another serial killer and I like them both and want them to team up! Can you believe that! OK so it is only a programme but hell liking the main character who moonlights as a serial killer, that is just wrong!

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