Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Alright, It has been eight days since I have started my new exercise regieme. I have been on the treadmill for five of those days and eaten healthy for two of them. I can honestly say I have worked hard and sweated so much that the first time it happened my scalp got really itchy and prickly and I suddenly remebered that Ella had brought a letter home from daycare about a lice infestation.............................................I was imagining my hair alive with little crayfish!

Anyhoo, I have stood on the scales every fricken day and the bastard still goes up.


I am sure I could have continued sitting on my arse shoveling packets of choc delights into my gob and still had this result. If any of you are chatting to god in the next wee while, please mention I love his sense of mirth but would he consider a reward based incentive scheme, just to see the little arrow move down every once and a while would be grand.


Mel Archer said...

Hiya – Good on you for getting out there and working hard for the past week - and hey there are lots of reasons why you could have put weight on after only a week (time of the month etc.). At this point, don’t sweat it, and don’t get discouraged… if I could make a suggestion, try leaving the next weigh-in for a full month and just focus on the exercise and healthy eating for that time. Also, try measuring your waist circumference now and your hips too if you can get someone to help you out. Then when you weigh yourself again, you can measure your waist and hips and see if there is any difference in these measurements. Our body weights fluctuate frequently and by quite a lot day to day, so spacing out the weigh-in sessions makes it much easier to measure real losses. If you're aiming to lose a healthy amount at a healthy rate (say .5 - 1 kg a week) it's useful to know that you can lose this much just by going to the toilet (bit gross, but true!). All the best with your efforts! - Mel

Domestic Goddess said...

Thanks Mel for the encouragement, personally I blame my lack of patients on my off spring because "I WANNA LOOSE WEIGHT AND I WANNA LOOSE IT NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW! WHY NOT, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

Mel Archer said...

LOL! I have all that to look forward to ;)....