Sunday, January 01, 2006

Whine anyone?

I am quite the good girl nowdays. I have a Mummy badge and now the chest to pin it on.

Thankfully these days life is no longer a series of pub toilets, lipstick covered ciggarettes and the eternal search for a new and interesting beverage that automatically makes you far more fashionable than any other.

Some say most things are like riding a bike. This is not so. I am crap at drinking.

As a rule I equate New years eve with gougeing my eyes with rusty fish hooks whilist wiping my arse with sliced chillies.

This year was spent with friends, sharing children and child free time, yummy platter in the sun with a veiw of the harbour, bubbles, beer and benedictine. Followed by a fabulous brunch which was well needed as I was hung over.

Pathetic really. I was so keen to get on the road and travel home so I could sleep it off on the way, all manners were thrown out the window and I totally forgot to thank them for a lovely brunch and place to stay. I will do that later, but I still feel like crap. Today I plan to drink lots of water, eat fruit and flush out the evil.

1 comment:

Jules said...

You daft bugger, no thx needed (thx to you for forcing us out and proving that Moomy can indeed live withough me), we had a great time - for the first time in years! And thank god for two hour naps eh!