Saturday, April 11, 2009

Blimey, you guessed it I have been immersed in the books again and finding little time to do anything else except MOVE. Christ words cannot describe how absolutely shit the last three weeks have been. It is completely unending. DO NOT EVEN consider moving with children UNLESS you donate 80% of their crap first. Then when you done throw out anything opened(except booze as you will be needing that to full up pump bottles and sipper cups) then kick at least six boxes of the back of the wont miss em and trust me you will be thankful later. Ensure you do not move on a public holiday as every bastard has a legitimate excuse.....fancy that Jesus dying on the cross and rising again to give ye all a reason fuck off and not help.
So we have shifted and I will be soon walking everywhere I need to go and I will be finished my course come the end of May and believe you me I am looking forward to having a moment to write on here every now and then.
Until my next moment of work avoiding............................xxxxx

1 comment:

snaphappymum said...

Gorgeous Photo! Your girls make lovely princesses (take after their Mum :-)
Yuk about the shift, but hopefully now you can settle in, relax and enjoy your new home and all it offers.
Yay to being nearly at course completion! Will be awesome for you and will be nice for us to hear from you more on here. Good luck and loads of hugs!