Sunday, December 02, 2007


My first ever iced Christmas cakes I am well underway to rival Martha. Actually I must say that I am quite chuffed as it took no time at all(under an hour) and look at the result imagine how cool things could look if.........................
#1 I knew how to ice cakes
#2 Actually planned and though about it.

I cannot wait for next year then!

Right I must go as we are having people over for dinner this evening and I am about to find if I can buy any canneloni in this meat and two vege town


Mel Archer said...

I'm well impressed! Love the pretty lights too....

snaphappymum said...

Wow, awesome job. You're so clever! Yes, the lights look great too. The girls, especially Ella, much be so excited.
We've had to put a fireguard around our tree and pressies, just to keep them safe from prying hands (that includes Charlotte's who is being absolutely tormented by the pressies this year!)