Time is a wasting and I have a power of Ham, custard squares, camembert, blue vein, seafood and various other deli treats to eat my way through.
As most of you will already know,
Poppy Neave Joy Langdon
was born on Thursday November 16th, 8:18pm, weighing in at 8lbs6oz.
She finally made it and most reluctantly I might add. Rapt that she is here and feeding hellishly well(she is brutal!!) She is calling the shots already but of course we knew she had no intention of ever doing anything else. Not much hair to speak of, huge hands and feet(CH has a thing about women with big hands and feet) lovely small head(best pleased) I am well and still have a sense of humour although not willing to laugh at present(Go the salt baths) But let it be said, NEVER, Ever doing it again!!
Ella is being fantastic, a complete and utter star.
Thank you for all of the kind wishes and flowers we have received, I will get to you all in time.
Beautiful wee girl, beautiful name. Well done you!
Enjoy your deli treats, you deserve them all.
Love to all and big congrats, J xx
She is beautiful.. glad it all went well , You sound amazing, enjoy you're lovely girls and ring you in the next few days. Big kisses to all of you.
Most importantly MAZEL TOV !!!!!!!!!!
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