Imagine this leaving home at the tender age of 16, willingly left behind are all the ties that bind. Parental relationship spurned and off one goes willy nilly to live a new exciting life.
Then pan to fourteen years later Mother comes to stay for a whole week! Blimey you would need to be a saint or a saddist to enjoy the experience in its entirety. Words just cannot describe the horror that was last week. On reflection it was good practise for looking after two children under two, in fact much harder as at least babies go for a nap.
I thought it was about time I include the latest wee piccie of Ella, here she is just finished doing her current favourite thing, picking her nose,the wee grott, hours of fun, oh bless just like her Daddy.
We went to Playcenter again this week and I truly hoped I would enjoy the experience more but I hated it. The whole place reeks of political correctness and parents co-operative, I mean for god sake they where holding a "Trial" paper swords ban as some uptight sugar hating parents got offended at boys making paper swords and playing pirates. Sad gits, live a little and have a regular coffee! Hey even I would like to play pirates if I could play with Mr Depp..................However I shall go as it is fantastic for Ella, she just goes wild and leaves me at the door and finds everything messy and fun, Mummy who?
Oh great that gives me time to talk to the locals, do my little jobs and play nicely. Goody. I think the main problem with me is I could never be rude and always find it hard to say no but I truly do not want to be embroiled in the lives of more people I do not choose. You know how it goes, introductions aside and the next thing you know is all about their life and pretty soon you need to choose whose side of the poxy playground you stand on. Is it too late to pretend mute?
Oh god, I tried Playcentre a few times, and I couldn't cope. No blowing your nose on the toilet paper!
I gave up.
Oh phew that makes me feel better as I was feeling terrible for all those terribly unsocial thoughts.
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