It has to be said, today I like this lady. Coming out in front of all and drawing attention to all the Mud slinging that has plagued parliament of late and to remind her collegues that they were resposible for a country. (pan camera to shocked looking collegues speech bubble appears "bugger I knew I was here for something"
Jeanette is only saying what we have all been thinking. In fact to be frank I have not been thinking terribly hard about our Politicians and their school ground bully tactics. I have just been so very very bored with all the and I have not even watched Parliamentry question time in months.(used to be a fav) I guess I had rolled over and was waiting with pants around ankles to be screwed over yet another stupid legislation or broken promise.
As our publicly elected representitives in Parliment, they are supposed to give us a voice. Our so called leaders and their actions and the way they have made me feel personally, is by far their greatest crime. How dare they take away my interest in how our county is run, steal my passion in the development of our nation for my family to grow up in. The bored me beyond caring. I sneer at all things remotely like reality tv, so even if we could vote off our MP's it would not make it more interesting for me.
I have been reading a few American blogs of late, I have zero comprehension of their political system(I have been trying to learn) but the thing that stands out most of all is that most people really care about what is happening to them. We just go day to day, lacking all hope that we can make a difference. We just give up, shrug our shoulders and she'll be right.
I fear it wont be. I do wish I was more clever to be able to make a difference.
At the moment media and the opposition is most concerned with digging up the dirt on all. In particular Investigate magazine, oh dear, Ian is single handedly wearing the ears of three of our politicians around his neck. Look who cares, do you want a bunch of insipid, dudley-do-rights running our country, Hell NO!! I want my fair share of dodgy rouge business operators, adulterous arse slapping wankers, hairy under armed organic pee drinking lesbians, child smacking sheep shagging farmers and men who do NOT have sexual relations with that woman.
Why? Because that is how it is, not all of us are as pure as the driven rain and the god honest truth is I want intelligent and interesting people running our country, not NICE people. Most of the successful people I know are arseholes who have left their boot marks on many a people to claw their way to the top of their game. But I still like them as long as it is not me with a foot print marking my face.
I do not want people running our country that basically buried a Carter Holt Harvey in a former life.
I so get what you are saying, Israeli elections are on Tuesday and I know face the consequences of the fact that I have buried my head in the sand ( literally ) the last half year, and that know I am forced to make an informed and oh so important decision, and give power of decision making to people that I have hardly recognise. Can't face the news at the moment , its just so depressing although on the other hand I don't want to be a passive participant. Wish I could postpone my decision for another year or so.
Well honey I hope you voted I am listening out for all news on your side of the world but to be honest there is hardly any to listen out for unless someone blows up themselves and a bus load of tourists.
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